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Peace for all mankind

December 1, 2022 @ 19:00 - 20:30 UTC+3


Performed by the LAU Choir
Conducted by Michèle El Chemaly

Carols from around the world in English, Arabic, French, German and Latin

LAU Beirut Campus- Irwin Hall Auditorium

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Traditional Carol) Traditional Carol
Hark the Heralds Mendelssohn Solo: Rama Sleiman
Stille Nacht Franz Gruber Soloists: Antonia Grau – Rebecca Elias
Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes Traditional Carol
Adeste Fideles Traditional Carol
كلن ناطرين أ. يوسف طنوس Solo: Catherine Braidy
Carol of the Bells Leontovitch
Ave Maria Caccini
Deck the Halls Traditional Carol
Minuit, Chrétiens P. Cappeau/A. Adam Solo: Michel Draybi
Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer Johnny Marks Duo: Sirine Hijazi & Jason Choueifati
Joy to the World Traditional Carol
عيشوا الميلاد   أ. يوسف طنوس Solo: Antonio Chaaya
We Wish You a Merry Christmas English Carol
Jingle Bells James Lord Pierpont

All are Welcome


December 1, 2022
19:00 - 20:30 UTC+3
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Daleel Madani



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